七彩研究院 YSL.IO—让DeFi最大化加密资产回报

7月14晚上20:00,七彩研究院与YSL.IO以主题《YSL.IO—让DeFi最大化加密资产回报》在七彩研究院直播间进行干货分享。主持人:七彩研究院雪糕,分享嘉宾:Hardev Dhillon(Co-Founder)。



七彩研究院雪糕:各位小伙伴们晚上好,我是今天直播间的主持人,感谢七彩研究院的各位小伙伴们能够准时和我们相约,让我们欢迎来自YSL.IO的嘉宾Hardev Dhillon做客七彩研究院,本次AMA采取中英文对照模式,让我们进入今天的AMA主题活动。


Q1、Caroline:Welcom Hardev Dhillon!First of all, can you give us a brief introduction about the YSL.IO project?

Q1、七彩研究院主持人雪糕:非常感谢Hardev Dhillon今天百忙之中做客七彩研究院,首先能给我们简单介绍一下关于YSL.IO项目的情况吗?

A1、Hardev Dhillon:I’d be happy to!

To give a brief introduction on our project: YSL.IO is a cutting-edge DeFi tool designed to maximize the returns of yield farming positions held on platforms such as ApeSwap Finance and PancakeSwap.

We have a completely unique approach to yield farming, that centers around our protocols ability to autonomously create locked liquidity whenever a user interacts with our platform.

The key features of our unique protocol are reflected in our project name; high YIELDS, rewards for STAKING and locked LIQUIDITY.

Our vision is to make YSL.IO the best place for the DeFi community to maximize returns on their crypto assets!

We're here to bring diversity to the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem and make DeFi farming both sustainable in the long-term and rewarding to native token holders.

A1、嘉宾:我很乐意!简单介绍一下我们的项目:YSL.IO是一个前沿的DeFi工具,旨在最大限度地提高在ApeSwap Finance和PancakeSwap等平台上持有的产量挖矿头寸的回报。






Q2.Caroline: Can you introduce us to the core functions of the YSL.IO protocol?


A2、Hardev Dhillon:The YSL.IO protocol has been designed with several functions, here are the core functions that make us stand out among other projects:

1.  Optimisation and Amplification

The YSL.IO platform will offer vaults where users can deposit their LP tokens (for positions held on AMMs such as ApeSwap and PancakeSwap). Upon doing so, the YSL.IO protocol will optimise the APR (%) they receive on their positions through the creation of YSL-BUSD locked liquidity. In addition to the optmisation function, the protocol will also feature an amplification which can provide amplified returns of 300%.

For example:

The YSL.IO optimisation function will increase the return of a BUSD-USDC position from 10.26% APR to 24.77% APY

The YSL.IO amplification function (Strategy 2) will increase the return BUSD-USDC position from 10.26% APR to 30.57% APY

These returns are far greater than other platforms that perform standard optmisation (harvest and compound 10.26% daily), as they will only yield a return of 10.80% APY

2.   Automated Locked Liquidity

Our protocol has been designed to ensure there is a CONTINUAL creation liquidity! This has been made possible through our protocols unique capability of creating YSL-BUSD liquidity AUTONOMUSLY (https://bit.ly/3wPq5WJ).

More importantly, all the liquidity that is generated by our protocol will be LOCKED in the locked liquidity contract (ApeSwap Finance vesting factory) for a period of 1000 years!

And what makes our project truly novel, is that the price of our native governance token (sYSL) is tied to YSL-BUSD locked liquidity!

In other words; as the TVL of the YSL.IO platform increases with more users, the protocol will be creating more YSL-BUSD locked liquidity, which means the greater the price of the sYSL token!


1. 优化和放大

YSL.IO 平台将提供金库,用户可以在其中存入他们的LP 代币(用于在AMM上持有的头寸,例如 ApeSwa和PancakeSwap)。这样做后,YSL.IO协议将通过创建YSL-BUSD锁定流动性来优化他们从其头寸中获得的 APR (%)。除了优化功能外,该协议还将具有放大功能,可提供300%的放大回报。


YSL.IO 优化功能将BUSD-USDC仓位的回报率从 10.26% APR提高到24.77% APY

YSL.IO放大功能(策略2)将BUSD-USDC仓位的回报从10.26% APR提高到30.57% APY

这些回报远高于其他执行标准优化的平台(每天收获和复合10.26%),因为它们只会产生10.80%的 APY 回报

2. 自动锁定流动性

我们的协议旨在确保有持续的创造流动性!通过我们的协议创建YSL-BUSD流动性AUTONOMUSLY(https://bit.ly/3wPq5WJ) 的独特能力,这成为可能。

更重要的是,我们协议产生的所有流动性都将在锁定的流动性合约(ApeSwap Finance归属工厂)中锁定1000年!




Q3.Caroline: YSL.IO has revolutionised the way in which yield 'optimisation' is conducted, can you briefly introduce us to the optimization process?


A3、Hardev Dhillon:That’s correct! The YSL.IO protocol has a completely novel approach to yield optimisation, maximising the performance of a DeFi user's yield farming position held on AMMs by 150% through the autonomous creation of locked liquidity.

By creating YSL-BUSD locked liquidity equivalent to 200% of the tokens APR (%), the protocol can optimise the APR (%) of a base farm by 125% through auto-compounding LP tokens and also provide an additional return equivalent to 25% of the optimised APR (%).

For example:

If a user currently obtains a yield of 50% APR on their position held on ApeSwap Finance and deposits their LP tokens with a platform that only performs traditional optimisation, the user will only obtain a return of 64.82% APY (not including any fees that the other platform my deduct).

However, if that same user deposits their LP tokens into a vault on YSL.IO (Zero Deposit Fee), the user would obtain a return of 85.80% APY (74.64% APY as LP tokens + 11.16% APR as sYSL tokens).

The users return has increased from 50% APR to 85.80% APY!

More importantly, the YSL.IO user will be able to withdraw their compounded LP tokens from the YSL.IO vault at any time with Zero Withdrawal Fees!

A3、嘉宾:没错! YSL.IO 协议采用了一种全新的收益优化方法,通过自动创建锁定流动性,将DeFi用户在AMM上持有的收益头寸性能最大化150%。通过创建相当于200%代币APR(%)的YSL-BUSD 锁定流动性,协议可以通过自动复合LP代币将基础的APR(%)优化125%,并提供相当于25的额外回报优化APR的百分比(%)。 例如:如果用户当前在ApeSwap Finance上的持仓获得50%APR的收益率,并将其LP代币存入仅进行传统优化的平台,则用户将仅获得64.82%APY的回报(不包括其他平台我扣除)。然而,如果同一用户将他们的LP代币存入YSL.IO(零存款费用)的保险库,用户将获得85.80% 的APY回报(74.64%APY作为LP代币+11.16%APR作为sYSL代币)。用户回报率从50%APR提高到 85.80% APY!更重要的是,YSL.IO用户将能够随时从YSL.IO金库中提取他们的复合LP代币,且取款费用为零!


Q4.Caroline: YSL.IO's amplification function can increase the yield of a DeFi user by 300%, how is it implemented?


A4、Hardev Dhillon:The YSL.IO amplification function will offer an enhanced version of the optimization function. This function is called Strategy 2.

To activate Strategy 2, a user will need to purchase and hold aYSL tokens (amplification tokens) equivalent to 10% of their holding on YSL.IO. These tokens can only be purchased on the YSL.IO platform and will maintain a stable price of $1.00.

For example:

If the deposit $1,000 worth of BUSD-USDC LP tokens into YSL.IO, they can activate Strategy 2 by purchasing and holding $100 worth of aYSL tokens.

When this function is activated, the protocol will increase the auto-compounding coefficient to 250% and also provide an additional return equivalent to 50% of the APR (%) being amplified.

For example:

If a user currently obtains a yield of 50% APR on their position held on ApeSwap Finance and deposits their LP tokens with a platform that only performs traditional optimisation, the user will only obtain a return of 64.82% APY (not including any fees that the other platform my deduct).

Instead by activating Strategy 2 on YSL.IO, the user would obtain a return of 227.06% APY (204.74% APY as LP tokens + 22.32% APR as sYSL tokens).

The users return has increased from 50% APR to 227.06%!

And the YSL.IO user will be able to withdraw their compounded LP tokens from the YSL.IO vault at any time with Zero Withdrawal Fees!

A4、嘉宾:YSL.IO 放大功能将提供优化功能的增强版本。此功能称为策略2。



如果将价值1,000美元的BUSD-USDC LP代币存入YSL.IO,他们可以通过购买和持有价值 100美元的aYSL代币来激活策略2。



如果用户当前在ApeSwap Finance上的持仓获得50%APR的收益率,并将其LP代币存入仅进行传统优化的平台,则用户将仅获得64.82%APY的回报(不包括其他平台我扣除)

相反,通过在YSL.IO上激活策略2,用户将获得227.06% APY的回报(204.74% APY作为LP代币+22.32% APR作为sYSL代币)。

用户回报率从APR的50% 提高到227.06%!



Q5、Caroline: The YSL.IO protocol will allocate six independent rewards after each new block is completed. What are the specific rewards? Can you tell us in detail?


A5、Hardev Dhillon:That’s right! These rewards can be harvested as sYSL tokens.

The first three rewards are earned by those that stake tokens in the sYSL vault or the YSL-BUSD vault:

1.   Liquidity Mining Reward: 300% of initial sYSL token supply will be minted and distributed over 4000 days.

2.   Monthly Buy-Back Reward: These rewards are generated using the BUSD acquired from the Optimisation Tax, Amplification Tax, aYSL entrance fee, sYSL entrance fee and the sYSL exit fee.

3.   Inflation Reward: The YSL.IO protocol will mint sYSL tokens on each block at an inflation rate of 10% per annum. The protocol will determine the inflation by using the current total supply of sYSL tokens. The sYSL tokens that are minted will be sent to a reward pool for distribution (distributed over 365 days).

The fourth reward is for those that participate in our referral program:

4. Referral Reward - Any individual that shares a referral link can earn Referral Rewards. The Referral Reward (0.5% APR) that is received by an individual is dependent upon the TVL held by the user that they have referred.

The fifth and sixth rewards will be received by all YSL.IO vault participants:

5.  Optmisation Reward – This reward is distributed on each block to any user that benefits from the YSL.IO optimisation function.

6. Amplification Reward - This reward is distributed on each block to any user that benefits from the YSL.IO amplification function.



1. 流动性挖矿奖励:初始sYSL代币供应量的300%将在4000天内铸造和分配。

2. 每月回购奖励:这些奖励是使用从优化税、放大税、aYSL入场费、sYSL入场费和sYSL退出费中获得的BUSD产生的。

3. 通货膨胀奖励:YSL.IO协议将以每年10%的通货膨胀率在每个区块上铸造sYSL代币。该协议将使用sYSL代币的当前总供应量来确定通货膨胀。铸造的sYSL代币将被发送到奖励池进行分发(分发时间超过365天)。


4. 推荐奖励—任何分享推荐链接的个人都可以获得推荐奖励。个人收到的推荐奖励(0.5% APR) 取决于他们推荐的用户持有的 TVL。

所有 YSL.IO 金库参与者将获得第五和第六奖励:

5. 优化奖励—该奖励在每个区块上分配给任何受益于 YSL.IO 优化功能的用户。

6. 放大奖励—该奖励在每个区块上分配给任何受益于 YSL.IO 放大功能的用户。


Q6.Caroline: Can you elaborate on the YSL.IO referral plan and how users can get 10% referral rewards?


A6、Hardev Dhillon:Sure! We are currently running a 10% Referral bonus program during our sale period!

So if you refer someone that contributes to the sale, you will earn 10% based on their contribution made by those you refer.

For example: if you were to refer someone that had a $10k contribution you would get back $1k worth of sYSL tokens at the end of the discovery phase.

More importantly, any individual that refers participants during the price discovery phase will benefit if those same participants were to utilise the amplification function once the platform launches and the YSL.IO referral program begins.

Each individual will receive Referral Block Rewards (0.5% APR) based upon the TVL and vault being amplified by the user they referred during the price discovery phase!

A6、嘉宾:当然! 我们目前正在销售期间运行10%推荐奖金计划!






Q7.Caroline: . DAO governance is an important part of decentralized development. How does YSL.IO realize a true decentralized governance model?


A7、Hardev Dhillon:When the platform launches, the community-governance function will be implemented through the YSL.IO governance portal. The sYSL token (BEP-20) will operate as the governance token for the YSL.IO platform. The community-governance function will enable token holders to vote on various proposals that will help spread awareness and increase the protocols utility demand.

Any user that wishes to participate in the governance of YSL.IO will need to stake sYSL tokens in the sYSL vault. The weight of a vote will depend on a user's TVL staked within the sYSL vault. In other words, the greater a user's TVL, the greater the weight of their vote. The community-governance function will then utilize the YSL.IO treasury as a means of funding the proposal.

Further details on our decentralised governance model can be found here
